JEAP Initiative Forum Series

Recovery Residences: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and How to Find Out

About this four-part series:

Although recovery residences are a crucial element in the mix of substance use recovery services, research remains underdeveloped. This free four-part forum series explores gaps in recovery residence knowledge from the perspectives of:
  1. Providers of recovery residence services
  2. Recipients of recovery residence services
  3. Researchers in the field
with a goal of developing testable research questions to fill these gaps.

Who should attend:

This forum series on recovery housing is geared towards inspiring early career and senior researchers, as these forums will provide important information about recovery residences and aid in the development of future research. Individuals with lived experience who are interested in advancing the research on recovery residence services are also are encouraged to attend. These forums are intended to be a place where ideas and views can be exchanged in a supportive environment, with the emphasis on encouraging new research. Interested individuals will benefit from attending any number of sessions, but those looking to expand their research program will gain the most by attending them all. If you have any questions, please reach out to us through the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Sessions in the Forum Series

Tuesday, March 22, 11:00am-12:00pm Pacific Time (West Coast time)


The March session in this series will be a group discussion of key publications about recovery residences. The selected publications will be attached to the calendar invitations for this session - below are the references: 


Jason, L.A., Mericle, A.A., Polcin, D.L., & White, W.L. (2013). The Role of Recovery Residences in Promoting Long-term Addiction Recovery. American Journal of Community Psychology. Posted at

Polcin DL. (2017). Role of recovery residences in criminal justice reform. The International Journal on Drug Policy, 53, 2-36. 

Thursday, April 28, 3:00-4:30pm Pacific Time (West Coast time)


The April session in this series will be a panel discussion with providers and recipients of recovery residence services.


Meet our panelists:


Paul Solomon, Executive Director at Sponsors and JEAP Initiative Payor & Provider Community Board Co-Facilitator 
Brett Bray, Mentorship Program Case Manager at Sponsors and JEAP Initiative Justice-Involved Community Board Co-Facilitator
Morgan Humberger, Collegiate Recovery Coordinator for the University of California San Diego and JEAP Initiative Young Adult Community Board Member
Dave Sheridan, Executive Director of the National Alliance for Recovery Residences, and JEAP Initiative Provider & Payor Community Board Member 

Monday, May 16, 12:30-2:00pm Pacific Time (West Coast time)

The May session in this series will feature a presentation and discussion with Dr. Amy Mericle on the state of recovery residence research.

Meet our presenter: 

Amy Mericle Ph.D., Scientist at the Alcohol Research Group and JEAP Initiative Payor & Provider Community Board Member

Tuesday, June 21, 10:00-11:30am Pacific Time (West Coast time)


At the June session in this series, attendees will develop and "workshop" testable research questions to fill gaps demonstrated through previous sessions. 

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