Resources on Substance Use Disorder & Recovery Support Services
Our team has selected useful resources on substance use disorder, opioid use disorder, recovery support services, medication assisted treatment, and more. These resources are intended for researchers, providers, policymakers, and individuals experiencing substance use disorder.
JEAP-Produced Resources
Video: Sharing Advice on Transitioning to a Professional Role as a Person with Lived Experience
From the JEAP Initiative
This video features several speakers sharing their advice about transitioning to a professional role as a person with lived experience.
Tipsheet: Key Points for Facilitating Community Boards
From the JEAP Initiative
This tipsheet outlines key points for facilitators of community boards comprised of people with lived experience.
Video: Transitioning to a Professional Role as a Person with Lived Experience
From the JEAP Initiative
This video summarizes advice that over 40 individuals with lived experience shared about transitioning to a professional role.
Tipsheet: Transitioning to a Professional Role as a Person with Lived Experience
From the JEAP Initiative
This tipsheet summarizes advice that over 40 individuals with lived experience shared about transitioning to a professional role.
Forum Series on MOUD Recap
From the JEAP Initiative
This document includes key takeaways from the JEAP Initiative's 3-part forum series on Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD).
A Toolkit for Generating Research Priorities through CBPR
From the JEAP Initiative
This toolkit is designed for individuals who want to use Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) methods to engage members of affected communities in determining priority areas for research.
Tipsheet: Finding the Right 12-Step Meeting for Young Adults
From the JEAP Initiative
This tipsheet provides information to help young adults find a 12-step meeting that is a good fit for them.
Forum Series on Recovery Residences Recap
From the JEAP Initiative
This document includes key takeaways and resources from the JEAP Initiative's 4-part forum series on recovery residences.
Previous Newsletters
From the JEAP Initiative
View our previous newsletters on this page.
External Resources
Budget Impact Tool for the Incorporation of MOUD
View the CHERISH budget impact tool, which is designed to assist jails and prisons with identifying an optimal MOUD delivery model. This tool is publicly available and is paired with an open-access, peer-reviewed manuscript that serves as a user-friendly guide.
Applying for a Job: The Young Adult's Guide
From the Northeast Massachusetts Community of Practice
This is a tipsheet for youth and young adults with serious mental health conditions about finding, applying for, and interviewing for jobs.
Addiction and Recovery Fact Sheet Series
From the New England ADA Center
Series of fact sheets on how the ADA applies to people in recovery from opioid use and other drugs.
Drug and Alcohol News Archive
From the Partnership to End Addiction
The latest news from the field for advocates, policymakers, and community coalitions curated by
Featured Programs and Practices for Treatment of Opioid Abuse
From the National Institute of Justice
Evidence-based and recently rated programs and practices for the treatment of opioid use disorder.
Healthy Transitions Initiative Toolkit
From the Research and Training Center
for Pathways to Positive Futures
This Tool Kit was developed to display documents developed and/or used by HTI jurisdictions at both the state and community level. The Tool Kit provides an organized, central location for information found useful in the process of developing services for youth and young adults.
The Latest in Addiction Treatment and Recovery Research
From the Recovery Research Institute
Hundreds of easy-to-read articles summarizing the latest evidence-based information and findings.
Peer Recovery Resource Library
From the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence
Peer-led resource library with articles on evidenced-based practices, peer-led work resources, peer-led support services, and more.
Potential Value of Addiction Researchers with Lived Experience
From the American Society of Addiction Medicine
People in remission from substance use disorders (SUDs) have a history of using their own experience to support those in or seeking SUD remission
Young Adult Mental Health Resources
From the Transition to Adulthood Center for Research
Transitions ACR collaborators work together to create new, informative materials for consumers, family members, mental health and social service providers, policy-makers, and advocates.
Youth Mental Health Services and Resources
From the Youth MOVE National Peer Center
Newsletters and resources on the issues surrounding youth engagement and peer support.
Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
A confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance use/addiction and/or mental health problems.
The Consortium on Addiction Recovery Science
The JEAP Initiative is one of eleven projects funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) to further the field of recovery support services. Check out the other ten at link below.
Research Partnerships Course
From the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN)
Enroll in this free, online course designed to support justice-system and behavioral health professionals seeking to address the challenges posed by substance use.