CHEARR & JEAP Initiative Forum Series
What’s Emergent in Emerging Adult Recovery Support Services Research?

This forum series is co-sponsored by the JEAP Initiative and the Collaborative Hub for Emerging Adult Recovery Research (CHEARR)
About this forum series:
Emerging adults (EAs) are people between the ages of 16 and 25 who may be at particular risk for developing an opioid use disorder (OUD) or experiencing a fentanyl-involved overdose. Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) are the most effective approach to long-term management of OUD; however, even when stabilized on MOUDs, EAs tend to have substantial unmet needs (related to employment, housing, and social support) while facing unique developmental milestones (i.e., developing more independent living situations, vocational identities, and stable romantic partnerships). EAs also have extraordinary rates of co-occurring mental health disorders and polysubstance use that may complicate treatment and recovery efforts. Extremely few research studies have focused on the recovery needs of this specific population, thus, the Collaborative Hub for Emerging Adult Recovery Research (CHEARR) and the Justice-involved and Emerging Adult Populations (JEAP) Initiative have been working together to provide opportunities for collaborative conversations and community-engaged research that focuses on the unique needs of EAs.
This 3-part forum includes a summary discussion of an article that examines the principles of care for EA recovery support services (Part 1). The article review will be followed by a panel discussion with a panel comprised of emerging adults who have lived experience of substance use disorder (Part 2). These panelists will share their thoughts about the article and summary discussion presented in Part 1. The forum will conclude with presentations from recovery scientists who are conducting studies focused on EA recovery support services (Part 3).
Who should attend:
This forum series is designed to inspire early career and senior investigators to conduct new or expanded research on EA recovery support services. Thus, this forum is intended for investigators interested in EA recovery support services. People with lived experience and providers of EA recovery support services who are interested in research on this topic are also strongly encouraged to attend.
Sessions in the Forum Series
(Click the tabs below to learn more about each session)
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